After almost of 1 hour tiring drive (by the way, i drove that Kancil due to size and space problem..hehehe), and squeezing (pity those sitting at the back....Pravin, Farah, Azraai and Azmir...hehe) they have load of "fun" squeezing with each other and the back....with the fact that its a Kancil. Hahahaha....Its a fun journey though...filled with jokes, laughter...and of course gossips! hehehe....
Around 1 hour of drive and with several encounter with cows and cow's dung. We reached to that beach that Azmir showed to us. Its a nice beach.....with no really as much rubbish floating and not really many people are there...We find a spot and setthed down. The weirdest part was the comes the "not fun" part of this...eventually we realise that the sea side that we are
So..after makan and we go to another spot of thw sea due to the evil rocks and leaving Teha and Farah behind for their activity of "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"...Straight ??....Uh ?? I wonder.....So, Azraai, Azmir, Pravin and myself went to another spot to continue our "play-play" at sea...and we found the perfect spot which have lesser rocks ! we dance...we sing...we pose...we do lotsa ridiculous stuff and it was fun ~!....
We have our great time in the sea and I enjoy kacau them by pulling off their pants!!!...hahahahaha.....(since I know how to dive and swim and they do not know) hehehe...its
Then, took a bath (terpaksa share towel with Azmir)...aihh....den we head home....huhuhu....kindda miss that place...haha....
Went back...anbd notice my skin and my face went red...aih...this is what happens when you don't use sun block lotion...haha....
But its worth with all the fun and joy that I have today...Thx you guys for the trip !...hahaha
I conclude that I indeed have a great day today....I have BOM mid-term this coming Thurs and I gotta start revise now....So, signing off here and do comment if interested......Thx !!...Cheers !
1 comment:
sounds like a nice play-play time. so nice...wondering when will be my time....
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